Mercuri Delivery Bike
Deliver the future
Transportation & System
Atlanta-based Edison Bikes tasked us to explore the possibilities of E-bike technology. We asked, how might we design a purpose-built electric bike that pushes last-mile delivery towards a more efficient future?
Detailing and Fabrication Kush Vakharia
CAD and Concept Junzhe Yan 🔗
CMF and Concept Iretomide Olayeye 🔗
Fabrication Prep and Systems Mohen Li 🔗
Atlanta Design Week

Messengers are a vital and final component of the delivery of sensitive packages, yet their work often goes unnoticed. We set out to understand of how they navigate the challenges of last-mile package delivery by conducting hours of interviews and observations. Through the use of expert hacks and a headlong attitude, messengers can deliver packages in urban areas with blazing speed. Many emphasized safety, speed, and preserving the condition of the packages while they are on the bike. This prompted us to explore solutions that enhance the rider's safety and carrying capability while streamlining the delivery process.

E-bikes for delivery excel by navigating bike-only shortcuts and urban traffic, requiring a balance of agility and stability for non-expert riders transporting varied parcels. We started with the idea of a backbone: a strong visual motif that cuts through the bike and signifies forward motion. To tackle the delivery process, we decided on a readily visible document tray, a parcel rack, integrated lights, and a detachable device for package indexing. We analyzed existing bike geometries, then used a fit bike and VR to refine the design, achieving a confident balance point. With geometry, subsystems, and visual language established, we transitioned to CAD to detail the rugged form with straight profiles, softened by conic curves and chamfers for agility. CMF choices, including Mercuri’s blend of raw materials and green accents, unify ruggedness with swiftness. Fine-tuned swatches and Keyshot CMF tests solidifed the design.
The details
No other bike carries this much while staying this nimble on the streets. Mercuri unleashes the potential of electric bikes, catering to a variety of packages and load weights. The bike takes full advantage of electrification, with onboard routing, load information, and package indexing. Attachment points along Mercuri's signature backbone accomodate even the most obscure package shapes and sizes, while the back rack remains readily available for bungee cord attachment. An all-new rail system provides secure and movable loading space while keeping the bike's weight low to the ground, enhancing manueverability. Mercuri lightens the load so delivery personnel can get the job done right.